
Independence Day- Let’s Stay Independent

One step at a time. For now let’s enjoy what we have accomplished.

Red white and blue!

Ok, I know we’re all tired. It’s been crazy this year since at least March. I’m sure we all either need a break, or to get out and do something. It’s mid summer here in the U. S. and a big holiday is upon us. Despite vast differences I think we all need to take a break and enjoy this holiday for what it is. I’ll keep the history lesson short and get to my point.

Turbulent times made us

On Independence day we celebrate the Declaration that we were a sovereign nation separate from an oppressive government. The rest of our big official documents (The Constitution, and Bill of Rights) weren’t agreed upon, and ratified for over a decade! In fact The state I am from only joined after 14 years of being its own republic during this turbulent time. Vermont was the first state to join the colonies after the first 13 though.

 I started with that mini history lesson to point something out about those early years. If we think our current times are scary, and uncertain can you imagine being the ones involved in decision making back then? They were trying something completely new.

Not only had our country taken on the biggest government in their known world through war, they formed an entirely new form of government, and in so doing gave us rights as individuals that no one might have dreamed a few years before. They did have help, and some inspiring documents to start with, but, they took a tremendous step. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights has inspired people worldwide! Without our Declaration of Independence from Britain where would we be? I’ll leave that to your imagination, and just say that we would have no rights in order to protect ourselves from oppression.

Make the most of what we have. It is our responsibility to preserve it

I, for one am incredibly thankful that we live in the world we do. I am also thankful that this celebration is a summer one. In remembrance for all that our forefathers accomplished I intend to make the most of what we have.

It is our responsibility to use our inalienable rights- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Remember that it is our responsibility to protect our rights, family, and health. In order to protect our way of life we need to take responsibility for our own actions. We can’t expect to be able to tell our neighbors how to live. I think if men such as our forefathers could work out compromises that led to our primary documents most of us can find peace with our neighbors through either discussion, or just leaving each other alone on peace.

Independence Day is often celebrated through rowdiness because it took that type of energy to accomplish what has been accomplished. In some ways that energy is still needed. People tend to get complacent. There are always hurdles, and always will be. It doesn’t, and shouldn’t, usually need to be as violent as our Revolution, or Civil War, but we do need to rejuvenate our energy and resolve to maintain our independence, and rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It is our responsibility to look to ourselves first for anything we want to accomplish, not our government’s.

I hope you had a wonderful, fun filled independence day where you got to made some memories with your family!

On the surface I'm a 41 year old wife, and mom to 3 teenage girls. More than that though I am an accumulation of my adventures, and the skills I've gained. As a young woman I became an aviation maintenance technician through a school in S.C. I also lost my mother before I was 5. While my girls were growing up and becoming at least a bit more independent I graduated from the local community college with an associates degree in liberal studies. I've recently been reminded how important it is to continue learning, and following your own pursuits even while busy taking care of every one else.