Explore your space- Photography Fun Near Home
Come take a walk with me. Sometimes in life we find ourselves more homebound than we want to be. I found this spot right up the road from where I live. I thought you might enjoy taking a stroll. Maybe when we’re done you’ll find a place to inspire you!

My girls are almost grown. They don’t keep me moving!
So recently I’ve been really advocating getting out and doing something, anything, no matter how small for yourself. It’s really not a lesson I learned easily. I personally have an awful lazy streak and am a strong believer in working smarter not harder. Physical activity always came pretty naturally due to a youth that required it so whenever possible my something for myself would be something pretty sedentary. My success in that has led to not quite as much physical activity than usually happens quite naturally in my life. Heck, even when my children were tiny I found myself walking them to events, sometimes home from school and running around with them.
Now that they are older they don’t need (or want) me to accompany them on all of their local outings, and in all honesty It’s nice to not be dragged out of the house every time they want to go outside, or to an event at the school.
Finally some time to myself
That did however leave me to stay at home a lot and we live in a pretty small house for 5 adult size humans. At least half of the year here is too cold for me to really be comfortable. I had trouble getting past leaving the house by myself when anyone was home to “just” go for a walk. It stems from being pulled into so many other peoples activities for so long. I couldn’t shake the feeling that as soon as I left someone would need something. There was probably a bit of guilt for leaving by myself thrown in there too.
The thing is, I seem to have been successful (for now) in raising them to be quite independent, and smart young ladies. My husband and I have been able to leave them to care for themselves when we go out for quite a while so clearly my logic was flawed.
Get moving, but keep it fun!
Anyway, I’ve been working to get past it, and have been going on fairly regular walks lately. Sometimes Youngest even comes with me! I often find myself stopping and taking photos too. If I go toward the top of the hill there’s a beautiful view. There’s also a really peaceful spot near a stream in the woods I just love!
These experiences aren’t even that far from my house. They’re literally a 5-10 minute walk away. Getting started is the hardest part.

An old hobby- new life!
A couple weeks ago I finally bought myself a nice new camera. I settled on a Nikon 3500 after a lot of deliberation. It’s a nice camera that has enough manual options to keep me busy learning for a while, but it isn’t too complex to use pretty easily. It also wasn’t completely crazy as far as price. I felt ready for at least the jump I made. There are cheaper one’s that would have been a solid choice on a strict budget, but I had done that once and wound up gifting it to my daughter. I decided it was time to level up past that step.
Practice, when I get a chance…
I’ve been taking it out every few days and playing with the settings. Mostly the Aperture, and shutter speed. I did take a college course in photography, so the class that came with the camera was more of a reminder for me. It was pretty helpful in getting comfortable enough to play with it though.
Experimenting is the biggest part of learning photography anyway. Play with the settings and take pictures. Some come out better than others. Honestly, I should take one of the many courses that have suddenly become available for free or discounted, but I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy.

Peaceful moments to recharge imagination
So recently I started trying to take more walks by myself, and I bought a new fancy camera. What do you think happened? I took my camera with me on a walk and as usual I wound up deeper in the woods than I intended… This spot is really only about a 5 minute walk from my house. It’s pretty steep terrain though. I found it once when I was on a short walk with Youngest, and it has become one of my favorite places. It always feels like an adventure!
Appreciate the terrain- even close to home

If you find yourself bored and looking for adventure, you may not have to wander as far as you think! Start looking closer to home. Seriously- I grew up hiking what some would call a mountain just to get from the road to my house when we couldn’t drive up, but I found similar solitude just up the road from where my family lives now. I only walked a few steps off the road and found this. If I’d stayed on the road I would never have found it.
I step lightly here to help it stay as wonderful as it is. I keep my eyes open too, since I know there is a bear in the area when it’s not too cold. I’ve never seen it though. Only once did I get the impression it might be close, but I never saw it. It helps that the place I walk off the road gives an excellent vantage point. I take advantage of that every time I go in, even if I don’t intend to stay.
Wildlife has never deterred me from walking in the most isolated terrain before kids. It only ever made me hesitate after I had them. Partially because I know how to act (not react) when I meet some animal in the woods, and partially due to what has to be instinct after having children. I can’t actually control their reaction. They’re a part of me, but not like an arm, or a leg that I have control over. I don’t know about you, but it led to me not searching for adventure like I had before they came into my life.
Solitude peace, and a touch of adventure
It was really nice to find a place that gave me solitude, peace, and a touch of adventure just down the road. I’ve been able to take advantage of this destination for years now, and know I’m not too far away if my girls actually need me, even before I was comfortable with any of them cooking! It makes perfect sense that this was one of the first places I took my new camera to play around.
My walk paid off with a new skill!
I finally seem to have figured out how to do the thing with water where it feels like it’s moving- It involves a slower shutter speed and of course a steady hand if you don’t have a tripod.
Change your pace- see stuff you hadn’t noticed before
If you are looking for a change of pace start exploring right near your home. You might not even have to drive anywhere. Just go out with an open mind and try the path less traveled. You might find your adventurous self again!
If you enjoyed this post see https://mytranslucentreflections.com/photography-fun-night-sky-and-exposure-triangle/