Lightning Struck- a reminder to LIVE!
I’ll start by saying I really wish I had a topically correct photo to go with this post, but I haven’t achieved it yet, and I decided when I began this journey that I would provide my own photography. As it turns out Photographing lightning is a bit of a challenge for an amateur, who knew! (Please note tone of humor and sarcasm here…) I plan on meeting that challenge, but I know it will take time, and I need to get this particular post written before the moment fades.
Lightning- stunning in an instant
A couple weeks ago I had a moment that, although I’d rather not repeat, I would like to remember the feeling clearly.
The lightning reached about eight inches to a foot from where I stood! I have no idea why It didn’t make the extra few inches but I’m incredibly glad it didn’t. I didn’t even get to see the light show but I did hear the snap. That sound was enough to make me jump and let out a word I’m not proud that Youngest heard come out of my mouth! Given the context I’m not particularly ashamed of it either though to be honest.
I wish I had been wearing more clothes though. I had just gotten out of the tub! Lightning storms don’t usually particularly bother me, but this one was a bit too close to be sitting in a tub filled with water, so I got out, and let the water drain. I took the two steps into my bedroom where Youngest walked in and started chatting about something while I, wrapped in my towel, listened and dug in a pile of clothes for my missing pants with one hand.
As I stood there awkwardly trying to put my pants on without losing the towel and unable to use the dresser for balance I heard the thunder, saw the flash of light and that snap that can only come from an electrical arc, or power surge all seemingly at the same time.
Balance, balance every thing is good, but not always how you’d expect!
It’s for the best that I couldn’t use the dresser for balance since the edge of the dresser I so wanted to reach for is just where my daughter tells me the arc stopped before appearing to retreat. I’m still a bit confused as to why it didn’t smell like electricity, or appear to ground itself. My best guess is that it found a better ground outside.
This wasn’t my first time!
Interestingly this is not my first closer than desired brush with lighting. Last time, I was about 16 and learning to SCUBA dive at a Boy scout camp. Yup, while I was in that class a storm approached too quickly for us to get out of the water safely. Those metal tanks on our backs and flippers too seemed like a bad combination with electricity! By staying underwater while the worst passed, we apparently avoided appearing as the best ground for any lightning strikes. I can’t recommend purposely staying underwater during a lightning storm, but watching it IS spectacular! We removed our gear in record time, and that was the end of the day’s water classes!
Moments like these are once in a lifetime. They are also spectacular reminders to live life well. Rest when you need to rest. Don’t miss rare opportunities. Do the thing that you want to do, but scares you. Make the best of time with the people you love.