New Workout-Why Did I Do That To Myself!
So, this spring I restarted Tae Kwon Do. Like many things last year it was canceled last year. The class ended just prior to the season of tournaments and testing. In a normal year it would have ended shortly after testing until starting in the fall again. I was “this close” to earning my yellow belt, then it all got called off. As nervous as I was for testing and such it was a bit disappointing too. I have always felt strongly about finishing what I start. I’m also quite aware that we do need to be active for ourselves.
Instead of ending my first season, having a couple months off, I got cooped up for most of a year. I suspect even I was more active than some, but life was still pretty sedentary. I really enjoyed helping out local restaurants too…
A rough beginning to added activity for me
Oh, and right before classes were supposed to start again my husband hit a deer and totaled our car on a trip we took to New Hampshire! Thankfully, we were both ok and hadn’t sustained any injuries. I’m aware that many times after a wreck like that, injuries don’t show up immediately, so I purposefully took it easy physically for a couple days afterward. Usually before starting a new activity as challenging as a martial art class I’d be trying to ease myself into a more active routine. This time all I did the couple days leading to it was my morning short walk, and stretching.
The day after the first class I, not surprisingly, found myself wondering why, the HE** I had done that to myself! Then, after one rest day I went and did it again! Luckily, after the second day we all got 5 days off. I was NOT the only one who was glad to have them!
You may wonder WHY would I put myself through that when I knew I absolutely would experience that pain, and could easily avoid it. I don’t generally go looking for pain. I usually live by “work smart, not hard.” My experience for most of my life has also always led to having zero issues keeping far more active than I would ever choose on my own.
Picking a direction and being purposeful
A few years ago I stopped having to work so physically hard though. I didn’t have to go outside to get the kids outside- they preferred to do their own stuff. That made getting the indoor stuff done easier. Inside a small home there are less steps through a day inside. I had a vehicle of my own, so I didn’t have to walk everywhere when my husband was working. My husband is significantly larger than I am. He’s strong, and stubborn (like me), so when he’s around and something physical needs doing, I do my best to stay out of the way and just let him do it honestly. Oh, and I have three capable, independent, adult sized daughters who now share in the work too. Mix a small amount of space with a rather large family, and I wind up not nearly as active as I was.
I decided a few years ago that I would have to be more purposeful than I had ever in the past. I suspect this is a common experience. As life gets “easier” we get more sedentary. It’s a very natural tendency. That combines with purposely slowing down to help small children. Our bodies are really never the same once you’ve given birth either.
It gets harder to get your self back into motion and being active.
At first less constant serious activity is a sigh of relief. You really do deserve the rest. Keeping up with a young family is not easy. You rarely got to sit down. Even your sleep at night is limited since you have to listen for little ones, and likely feel the need to put the house to bed. That pairs with everything you suddenly remember you “should have” done that day. Increasing age doesn’t particularly help, just adds to the aches and pains. Before you know it the goal post moves when the law of physics about an object in motion staying in motion, or vice versa takes over.
The only real way through is through. Start being active for yourself!
Which brings me to why the heck I did that to myself. I had recommitted myself a couple years ago to not let myself get stuck again. Any time I restarted getting out and active again muscles were going to hurt. I do have a lazy streak but I also refuse to allow myself to get stuck in anything. I know the only way out is through. Not to mention another quote I have been thinking about a lot lately- “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best is now.”- Old Chinese proverb
That is why I did that to myself. There was no better time. I may not keep going with Tae Kwon Do long term, but I find it rewarding. It pushes me when and where I need to be pushed, at a time that pushing myself without an outside force can be difficult. If you have found yourself in a similar place look for something that makes you push yourself, know your own limits, and don’t forget to hydrate- no, diet soda, or beverages with as much sugar as candy don’t count!
Finally, know your limits and pay attention to your health
It’s worth noting that I know my own limits. I should also point out that if you’ve been stuck in inactivity, and/or just not taking care of yourself for too long it may be a good idea to have a check-up, and start small. Start somewhere though. Ultimately your body will thank you. Oh and after a couple weeks of classes you may be happy to know that I’ve been back to being a “normal workout” sore after each class again, and that is a good feeling of accomplishment.