A good reason to stay optimistic
Adventure close to home,  Photograpy Fun,  Uncategorized

Sunrise Sessions: A Project in Photography and Optimism!

Since the original inspiration to really getting going on this whole blog thing was how inspired I was doing my sunrise photography sessions this past February in Myrtle Beach I’ve decided maybe that could inspire someone else during this time of isolation. Of course, I don’t permanently live on the beach, but a sunrise can be quite inspiring anywhere. (I say that despite not being a morning person AT ALL) I’ve always enjoyed photography. It’s time to explore this medium in more depth. This will be an adventure in its own right- starting to learn a rudimentary skill with a bit more depth. But more than that, walking around pursuing a beautiful sunrise should prove to be energizing for at least two reasons: the actual rising of the sun, and requiring myself to get up for a walk. It will be an exercise in sunrise photography and optimistic inspiration

Not All Beginnings Are Obviously Amazing, Some Exercise Our Ability To Stay Optimistic

White and grey, not the best start to my sunrise sessions
The first day of this experiment started rather unimpressively

My first few days of restarting this back home have been rather disappointing, but I’m going to try to keep it up anyway! It’s good to get up with a purpose in general, and these are times where it’s even more important to try. The first day was really just a reminder that sometimes we need to kickstart our imagination. The sun was there, we just couldn’t see it from our perspective. Isn’t that optimism at it’s core? I did get some nice photos of the sunset, which I hadn’t planned at all. My youngest pulled me out the door with her commentary about it. I couldn’t help myself after that. Her excitement can be contagious and sometimes we all need that.

A sunset like this is more inspiring after a grey sunrise
A day with an unassuming sunrise ended in beauty!

Some Are Calmly Serene and Incredibly Inspiring

The next day was a bit better. Of all things the vision of the moon struck me on the morning of March 18th.  I’ve always enjoyed trying to photograph the moon. It’s something I definitely want to work on, but the light (or lack thereof) makes it challenging. The clouds and the sun worked together to put on a good show just a few minutes later.

Morning moonscape
Day 2 the moon took part in adding to the beauty

Some Are Simply Amazing

Pure inspiration and a great reason to stay optimistic
Day 2 turned into a golden beauty

Sometimes Company Helps Us See the Beauty

The sun was hiding again the next day, March 19th, but the ducks visited that morning. To clarify these are not duck you might see at a park where people feed them despite signs saying not to and they search out your attention. These are completely wild ones. They enjoy the brook near my house every once in a while, but are skittish of any human interaction. Mostly they show up in the spring and fall. It was interesting to witness the first sunrise of spring be so unassuming, but I suppose especially in places this far north it’s not really that unusual.

These ducks are enjoying the somewhat grey morning
A pair of ducks enjoyed the sunrise from one of my favorite places to have a seat

Beauty Isn’t Always Where We Expect It Stay Optimistic and You Will Find Inspiration

On Friday, the 20th of March the sun hid again! This morning though, the clouds surrounding the mountain added some visual interest and inspiration. The mountain seemed shrouded in mystery. The ducks visited again too! I know if I hadn’t gotten up for the sake of this project in sunrise photography I would have missed out on watching them all together. What a sweet optimistic view! This morning was significantly warmer too. That may have lead to all the mist. I wasn’t expecting the cloud cover. I went to bed quite late, and it had gotten really clear. In just a few hours the sky had completely clouded over!

Guests again!
Inspiration can come from the less optimistic moments
Not much sun, but the mist gave some dramatic mystery

Today is Saturday, March 21, 2020. This morning stood out after a few less than spectacular sunrises this week. It was captivating, despite the temperature. The ducks did not show up though. I find myself wondering if it was too cold for them to want to be in that particular spot at 20⁰ F.

Day 4 after a couple less than impressive sunrises a bright beginning

Appreciate the Truly Spectacular Ones- They Are The Reason Behind My Sunrise Photography and Optimistic Inspiration Project

This was a morning that made the others worth it! It spoke to my purpose in this project of sunrise photography and optimistic inspiration. It served as a reminder that the best things come after a hardship. Certainly some of that comes from simply having more appreciation for it, but generally speaking it does seem that good things you may not expect follow difficult times.

You have to put the work in though. Not only to keep the outlook that allows you to see it, but also to be ready to make things happen, and know yourself well enough to know what the thing is that you want from life. Spend some time learning new skills, or having some sort of adventure. Try to see life from another perspective.

The only thing we can ever really control is our own actions, and outlook. It doesn’t mean we’re always happy. That means we need to take time to slow down, focus on what does make us truly happy, and always at least try to move forward, however slowly. When you stop trying it seems that is when things get even worse. With time and practice we acquire new skills that make it easier to land on our feet when life gets hard. When life is hard focus your energy on the important things.

Just another inspiring reason to stay positive through the grey clouds
Day 4 of sunrise sessions
An inspiring view and lovely photograph
Day 4- a cold, but beautiful start to the day
Stunning reason to stay optimistic
Day 4 golden light again!

Try to remember each new day is a gift full of potential if you are willing to pursue it! This session of sunrise photography, and optimistic inspiration was certainly good for me, I hope it inspired you to try something similar for yourself.

If you were inspired by this post also visit: https://mytranslucentreflections.com/time-is-like-a-river/

On the surface I'm a 41 year old wife, and mom to 3 teenage girls. More than that though I am an accumulation of my adventures, and the skills I've gained. As a young woman I became an aviation maintenance technician through a school in S.C. I also lost my mother before I was 5. While my girls were growing up and becoming at least a bit more independent I graduated from the local community college with an associates degree in liberal studies. I've recently been reminded how important it is to continue learning, and following your own pursuits even while busy taking care of every one else.